1,527 research outputs found

    A Proposed Scheduling Algorithm for IoT Applications in a Merged Environment of Edge, Fog, and Cloud

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    With the rapid increase of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications, the ordinary cloud computing paradigm soon becomes outdated. Fog computing paradigm extends services provided by a cloud to the edge of network in order to satisfy requirements of IoT applications such as low latency, locality awareness, low network traffic, mobility support, and so forth. Task scheduling in a Cloud-Fog environment plays a great role to assure diverse computational demands are met. However, the quest for an optimal solution for task scheduling in the such environment is exceedingly hard due to diversity of IoT applications, heterogeneity of computational resources, and multiple criteria. This study approaches the task scheduling problem with aims at improving service quality and load balancing in a merged computing system of Edge-Fog-Cloud. We propose a Multi-Objective Scheduling Algorithm (MOSA) that takes into account the job characteristics and utilization of different computational resources. The proposed solution is evaluated in comparison to other existing policies named LB, WRR, and MPSO. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm improves the average response time while maintaining load balancing in comparison to three existing policies. Obtained results with the use of real workloads validate the outcomes

    Effects of Fertilizers on Biomass, Sugar Content and Ethanol Production of Sweet Sorghum

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    Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a promising alternative crop for bioethanol production in developing countries. However, to extend the cultivative area of this crop, it needs to develop an appropriate growing protocol for farmers. This chapter describes the examination of different doses of fertilizers combined with manure and micronutrients, in various applied times, on biomass, sugar content and ethanol production of sweet sorghum. It was observed that the application of 90 N + 90 P2O5 + 60 K2O provided maximum stem yield and optimum contents of sugar and ethanol yield, however nontreatment of any among P, P2O5 and K2O caused significant reduction of biomass and ethanol production. Higher fertilization >90 N may provide greater productivity of this crop but it may cause lodging and economic deficit for farmers in developing countries. It was also found that the applied times of fertilization should be at 3–4 to 7–8 leaf stage. In contrast, when the fertilization was as close to the flowering stage caused remarkable reduction of stem yield and ethanol production. The supplementation of (NH4)2MO7O2.4H2O at 5 kg/ha provided an increase of 10–12 tons/ha of stem yield and a remarkable enrichment of ethanol production. Findings of this study are useful for farmers and agricultural extensionists to promote biomass and ethanol productivity of this crop for bioethanol production. This research also highlights a greater possibility of exploiting sweet sorghum cultivation in infertile and hilly, abandoned areas for ethanol production

    Students’ Attitudes Towards Education in Biology-Related Disciplines and the Need for Internationalization : A Survey at a Vietnamese University

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    This survey examined the attitudes of 538 undergraduate students enrolled at a Vietnamese university towards biology-related disciplines. Employing a structured questionnaire, the study explored several aspects, including students' interests in various biology-related fields, their motivations for pursuing these disciplines, their opinions on teaching methods, their aspirations for internationalization and study abroad experiences, the essential skills they believed were crucial for success, and the areas in teaching that required improvement. The survey results indicated that students acknowledged the significance of fields such as medicine and veterinary sciences, with their motivations largely influenced by job prospects and societal needs. Moreover, the results identified specific areas in teaching that students wanted to have improvement, such as laboratory work, practical skills development, fieldwork experiences, and exchange programs, and their attitude towards internationalization and study abroad opportunities, in relations to the factors such as age, gender, grade, and major. The insights gained from this survey can contribute to the enhancement of educational strategies and the creation of an engaging learning environment for students majoring in biology-related disciplines


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    Electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) have grown in popularity in ESL/EFL writing instruction for their contributions to students’ writing. However, selecting an electronic tool in e-portfolios is of concern to many researchers and teachers. The combination of Facebook and e-portfolios is a rather new implementation in educational research, especially in high school contexts. Therefore, the current research aimed at exploring (1) high school students’ perceptions of the use of Facebook-based e-portfolios in terms of their contributions in writing, and (2) problems in using Facebook-based e-portfolios in writing. Fifty grade 11 students at a high school in Soc Trang province, Vietnam participated in the research. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected by using close-ended questionnaire and the interview. Prior to data collection, the students spent six weeks writing on Facebook close-typed groups. The results showed that the students highly appreciated the contributions of Facebook-based e-portfolios in terms of enhancing interaction, giving and receiving feedback, motivation and confidence in writing, writing skills, vocabulary, and grammar knowledge. No significant problems were found in using Facebook-based e-portfolios. The research is expected to shed light on implementing Facebook-based e-portfolios in improving the quality of teaching EFL/ESL writing in high school contexts.  Article visualizations

    Labor and Its Efficiency in Equitized State-owned Enterprises in Vietnam

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    This study is conducted for evaluating changes in labor efficiency of state-owned enterprises after equitization. Data were collected from audited financial statements and reports of labor and average income in 138 state owned enterprises after equitization. After calculating labor efficiency according to revenue and earnings of enterprises in the sample, we apply the comparative method for labor, average income and labor efficiency before and after equitization. Then, we use the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test to compare the fluctuation in the ratios between two years after equitization with one year prior to equitization. The results show that after equitization, enterprises achieve an increase in average number of labor, improved average labor income and enhanced labor efficiency. Keywords: Equitization, state-owned firm, labor efficiency, Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-5-10 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Effekt av legemidler på metyleringsmønsteret til Karboksylesterase- genet

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    Sammendrag Innledning: Karboksylesterase er en type mammalske enzymer som finnes utbredt i store deler av kroppen, hvor de er med på å hydrolysere en rekke endogene og eksogene substanser, inkludert en rekke viktige legemidler. Det er vist at genetisk variasjon i CES1 og CES2- genene kan være assosiert med ulik legemiddelrespons og bidra til enten dårligere legemiddeleffekt eller bivirkninger hos pasienter. Irinotecan er et cytostatikum som blir brukt til behandlingen av blant annet avansert kolorektal-kreft, hvor det gjennom CES1 og CES2 blir omdannet til dens aktive metabolitt SN-38. Det er tidligere vist at bruk av legemidler kan påvirke metyleringmønsteret hos ulike gener. I denne oppgaven ønsket vi derfor å undersøke Irinotecans effekt på promotor- metyleringen og mRNA transkripsjonen til CES1, CES2 og UGT1A1 ved hjelp av in vitro- studier av levercellekulturer (HepG2). Vi ønsket å finne ut om Irinotecan i seg selv kan føre til redusert legemidelrespons (resistens) ved å forandre metyleringsmønsteret og ekspresjonen til disse genene. Metode: HepG2- cellelinjer ble sådd ut i medie og stimulert med Irinotecan, hvor det ble brukt fire ulike konsentrasjoner (0 μM, 0.3 μM, 3 μM og 30 μM). Førti-åtte timer etter celle-stimulering ble cellene studert i mikroskop hvor cellemorfologi og celledødelighet ble studert og tolket. Videre ble DNA og RNA isolert ut hver for seg. DNA ble brukt til pyrosekvensering for å studere promotor- metyleringen til de ulike genene. Før selve pyrosekvenseringen ble prøvene bisulfitt behandlet, og PCR- amplifisert med CES/UGT- spesifikke primere. Metoden revers transkripsjon kvantitativ PCR (RT- qPCR) ble brukt på RNA for å studere genekspresjonen til de ulike genene. ddCq- verdiene ble utregnet (normalisert med ulike referansegener) og signifikante forandringer i genekspresjon mellom prøvene ble bestemt. Resultater: Pyrosekvensering viste ingen signifikante endringer i metylerings-mønsteret hos noen av de studerte genene. CES1 og CES2 viste lav grad av metylering, mens UGT1A1 viste seg å være nesten fullstendig metylert i HepG2- celler. RT- qPCR viste signifikant økt genekspresjonen hos CES2 ved alle de tre ulike konsentrasjonene i forhold til nullprøven. Hos CES1 og UGT1A1 ble det observert mindre signifikante endringer, kun en moderat økning. Diskusjon og konklusjon: Legemiddelstimulering med Irinotecan hos HepG2- celler gav en økt gentranskripsjon av CES1, CES2 og UGT1A1. Endringen var størst hos CES2 og litt mindre omfattende hos CES1 og UGT1A1. Ingen forandring ble funnet i metyleringsmønsteret hos de ulike genene etter legemiddelstimulering, og det var heller ingen assosiasjon mellom endring i metyleringsmønster og gentranskripsjonsnivå i disse genene. Irinotecan har en negativ effekt på HepG2- celler hvor stimulering med dette legemidlet gav en endring i cellemorfologi og økt celledødelighet. Flere studier er nødvendig for å få en bedre forståelse på metyleringsmønsteret hos CES- og UGT1A1- genene

    The Demand of Urban Consumers for Safe Pork in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

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    This study applied the contingent valuation method to analyze the consumers’ demand for the proposed safe pork. The data was collected by face-to-face interviewing 884 urban households in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. The results revealed that the majority of consumers (about 64%) paid attention to the proposed safe pork. Their willingness to pay was about VND 176,000 ($ 7.65) per kg, nearly double compared to the market price of conventional pork. The results showed that the respondents who had higher household income, larger proportion of elderly and children in the family, paid higher price of a conventional pork, and get more knowledge score on the safe pork are more likely, while the respondents who have more number of family members are less likely to pay for the proposed safe pork

    Factors affecting the flipped classroom in the educational context of Vietnam

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    In the context of the implementation of the 2018 General Education Program, teachers are required to implement a teaching model oriented to the development of students’ quality and competence. Teachers are encouraged to adapt the flipped classroom model of teaching in schools as its advantages are suitable for novel teaching strategies. This study focuses on analyzing factors affecting the application of this model in the teaching and learning process by collecting feedback from 351 teachers from various cities in Vietnam. The questionnaire included Likert-type questions analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 for quantitative analysis and an open question for qualitative analysis with context and personal information. The research-oriented factors focus on the group of potential internal factors (perception, proficiency, desire and readiness of teachers) and the group of external factors (infrastructure, facilities and support resources, training programs). The results showed that those factors include the school’s infrastructure and information communication technology (ICT) condition, the teacher’s ICT competence as well as competence-related teaching and assessment methodologies and the students’ internet access conditions. Finally, the study offers suggestions on how to apply this model in teaching practice to meet the requirements of educational innovation in Vietnam
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